One of the "target" birds for the trip was the Bobolink. At the turn of the century millions of Bobolink would spread northward from the Southern United States and Mexico making their way to Canada to breed. They were caught in nets as a food industry until their numbers declined making the whole enterprise unprofitable. We just don't see them in Vancouver so finding this one in Saskatchewan near Rowan's Ravine, Saskatchewan was a bonus. I also saw one at a distance on Road 22 in the Okanagan, albeit too far way to photograph.
The yellow-headed blackbird below was a bonus shot on a travel day as I stopped in Castlegar for a a cup of tea. I also heard and then saw a Sora which played hide and seek with me, alas no photographs to show for the effort
Eventually i'll post more shots here as well as on my website.
Boblink |
Yellow-headed blackbird |
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