Saturday 12 January 2013

White-winged crossbills (Burnaby Lake)

Jan 10 2013 Burnaby Lake, Burnaby, British Columbia
In the Vancouver area the White-winged crossbill is normally found at higher elevations where it feeds on the conifer seeds of the Western hemlock and Spruce. For whatever reason a flock of perhaps 30-40 of these colourful birds have spent the past month or more at Burnaby Lake, a lowland lakeside location where they are very rarely or if ever seen. The flock was spotted during the Audubon Christmas bird count and may have otherwise been overlooked.
As normal with rare or unusual bird sightings, scores of birders and photographers have been trudging alone the trails at the base of Piper Ave to view the birds. For many of us the bird is a "Lifer" which with the Bramble earlier in the day made it two for the day.
I hope the birds stay around for a few more days as I hope to get some better images as these were taken from quite a distance.
Adult male White-winged crossbill (Loxia leucoptera)
Adult female

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