Mar 4 2015 Boundary Bay 64th Ave, Delta BC Sunny 12c
Unfortunately on my return to Canada I was stricken down by flu bug, methinks it originated from the plane's air-conditioning.
A week after my return I was able to venture out and catch up with a few birds and birders. During my absence I had missed a Great Gray Owl and a pair Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches, the latter would have been a lifer but that's the way the feather falls sometimes.
Wrapped up in three layers of clothing I made made my way out into the great wide open. Below is my first stop, a record shot of a wintering lone male Yellow-headed Blackbird with a mixed flock of Starling and Brewer's Blackbird at 112th/Hornby Drive in Delta.
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Yellow-headed Blackbird with mixed flock of Brewer's Blackbird (bottom left) and Starlings. |
I decided to take a break and have a lunch overlooking Boundary Bay. Thousands of ducks were out in the bay. Small flocks of Dunlin flew by while Northern Harriers patrolled the foreshore. The scene reminded me a little of the Severn Estuary. A flock of American Wigeon had one pair of Eurasian among them. I laid back to enjoy the sun and dozed off for a few minutes, only to be awoken by a very distraught Marsh Wren who objected to my sharing its territory. Funny how the smallest of birds can make their presence known in no uncertain terms. As I collected my belongings a Lincoln Sparrow jumped out of the long Canary Grass to add it's voice to the proceedings. I got the message and backed away leaving the birds to themselves.
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Lincoln's Sparrow (Melospiza lincolnii) |
(Below) shot from the car window handheld with the lightweight Tamron 150mm-600mm. I don't think I would had time to get a larger lens out of the car in time.
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Light first year juvenile Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus) |
By mid-afternoon it was homeward bound to help with one those domestic things that always seem to pop up just as the birds are waking up from their afternoon siesta. I had packed everything away but there was one more unexpected moment of drama to record.
The Urban Hunter
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Merlin (Falco columbarius) |
As I pulled into my driveway a Marlin swooped out of a fir tree and nailed a unwary songbird, pinning it to the ground. I exited the car, unzipped my camera bag and shot off a few frames before it flew off into a neighbours garden.
Until next time...good birding!
"It's never too late to start birding"
John Gordon
Vancouver BC Canada
Great shots and glad to have you back! Nice to see yellow headed blackbirds back spring is here!