Oct 3 2013 Iona Regional Park. A sunny and crisp Autumn day.
Following my "
Photographing Birds in the Lower Mainland" presentation to the White Camera Club Wednesday night I was looking forward to heading out into the nature. A five day storm had given the coastline a good soaking and the possibility of a fallout of migrating birds was high.
It wasn't long before my hunch was rewarded, I soon came across a Lapland Longspur, my first 'Lifer' since April. I had only just started walking along the jetty when a small flock of four flew over my head, I was less than a 100 metres from my car. I shot maybe 20 shots when I heard from another birder that a Palm Warbler had been spotted at the sewage lagoons, I was only minutes away!
Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus)
A Coast Garter snake was also on the hunt for insects |
Beside the lagoons are a row of large trees, assorted bushes, briars and grasses.
A flock of Yellow-rumped warblers, several Yellow Warblers, a single White-throated Sparrow and a gorgeous Palm Warbler were foraging for insects. Following the previous days windy weather the ground was littered with insects of all kinds. Also feasting on the bounty were colourful Common Yellowthroats, Song, White-crowned and Savannah Sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Bush Tits and others. I didn't see the White-throated but the Palm did fly quite close, close enough to photograph.
Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum) |
Note the yellow rump and streaked breast. |
Note the dark eye line. |
My favourite shot with a clean background, dramatic posture. |
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (Regulus calendula) |
A Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata) on the lookout for a meal. |
All pictures Iona Oct 3 2013
©All Images John Gordon 2013
Good Birding
John, Wow, what a great day you had. Excellent shots!