Sunday 31 May 2015

Assiniboine Park Fallout "Little Big Year" Part 8

May 22/15 Assiniboine Park Winnipeg 20c Sunny

I arrived in Winnipeg and headed for Assiniboine Park. The city is a migrant trap if there're was one and I was in the right place at the right time. Winnipeg is a lush oasis surrounded by farmland. The birds follow the Red River up from the south on their migration. In the city they can find plenty of food in the parks, along the riverside and on the large grassy areas. Add to that avenues of trees in the city and thousands of backyards the birds have a perfect place to stop off and in some cases set up home and breed.
As others move northward to the boreal forest they will continue to follow the Red River up to Lake Winnipeg and beyond. More of that in a later blog.
Due to my travel schedule I will post these pictures whenI can find wi-fi.

American Redstart (female)

American Redstart (male)

Black and White Warbler.

Blue-headed Vireo.

Canada Warbler.

Chipping Sparrow.

Magnolia Warbler.

An Eastern Red Squirrel flexes its muscles as it is surrounded by pesky warblers!

White-breasted Nuthatch.

Yellow Warbler.

All images handheld with the D7100 and the Tamron 150mm-600mm.

A short blog but until next time

"It's never too late to start birding"

John Gordon 
