Monday 15 September 2014

Brydon Lagoon/Lost Files

Sept 13 Brydon Lagoon, City of Langley BC
There were still plenty of warblers at the Lagoon. They were in almost every bush and tree. The Green Heron was still present as were a few Common Yellowthroat, Cedar Waxwing, flycatchers and a large flock of Bushtits.

Yellow-rumped Watbler (Dendroica coronata)

I never tire of photographing this dainty and colourful warbler.

Looking for a meal the Yellow-rumped Warbler can sometimes be seen during our winters where it
 feeds on berries until its primary diet insects, return in the spring.
A Flycatcher, perhaps a Western Wood Pewee. Any takers ?
Juvenile Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas)
Belted Kingfisher (Ceryl alcyon)
These Green Heron shots were taken the day of the big fish kill with the Canon SX50HS. I had downloaded them in a hurry and thought they were 'lost' ago until I found them a few days buried deep with an unrelated folder. I am happy I found them because it reminds me how good a camera the Canon is. These were shot at 1200mm and handheld which goes to show how good the image stabilization is.

Green Heron (Butorides virescens)

Note the dead fish in the water following the spell of hot weather that depleted oxygen in the Lagoon. Two fountains were not working leading to many questions about the City of Langley's commitment to the lagoon.
I for one will be very interested to see what plans are in store for the lagoon which used to be 2-.5 metres deep. These days it is less a metre. The only source of water is run-off and rainfall hence the need of fountains for oxygenation.
Interested parties will meeting at the Lagoon Oct 1 at discuss plans for the site. City of Langley representatives, Langley Field Naturalists and interested parties will discuss problems facing the popular birding site. . Hope to see you there.

"It's never too late to start birding"

John Gordon


  1. Lovely shots John but your orange-crowned warbler is actually a common yellowthroat. I think the flycatcher is a willow flycatcher.


  2. You are the second person to point out the blooper with the common Yellowthroat. The cutline has been changed. Thanks
