Monday, 18 May 2015

Birding Calgary Alberta 'Little Big Year' Part 3

May13 2015 Calgary/Frank Lake and the sloughs south of Calgary.
 Overcast Windy 12c

Black-necked Stilt with Marbled Godwit
This was my first time birding in the Calgary area and with the help of Calgary birder David Lilly
we were able top notch up nearly fifty species including a lifer, the White-faced Ibis. David tells me the ibis started to visit the area only in the past decade and have returned each year since. We photographed them at Frank's Lake but they can also be found in many roadside sloughs, especially on the quieter backroads. There are also numerous places on BC where the ibis can also be photographed, those locations are posted on vanbcbirds and other BC forums.

White-faced Ibis showing iridescent wings at Frank Lake

There were plenty of other species in the area including the Franklin's Gull which I had only ever seen once before at White Rock.

Franklin's Gull. Frank Lake

There was quite a wind all day and many of the birds were in the air going about their business albeit somewhat erratically or so it seemed. The wind kept the mosquitos away, except in one spot out of the wind where within seconds I was bitten.

Long-billed Curlew.


Marbled Godwit.

Swainson's Hawk.
Forster's Tern. Frank Lake
Spotted Sandpiper Roadside Slough.

Marsh Wren Frank Lake

Some of the more interesting birds seen on our day out including 21 new birds for my 2015 year list 

Wilson's Phalarope*
Mourning Dove*
Black-necked stilt*
Marbled Godwit*

Forster's Tern*

Common Tern*
Eared Grebe*
White-Faced Ibis*
Franklin's Gull*
American White Pelican*
Blue-winged Teal*
Ruddy Duck*
American Avocet*
Spotted Sandpiper*
Semi-Palmated Sandpiper*
Swainson's Hawk*
Bank Swallow*
Common Crackle*
Stilt Sandpiper*
Short-billed Dowitcher*

2015 year List (170 Canadian species to date)
* New year birds

"It's never too late to start birding"
John Gordon
Langley/Cloverdale BC Canada

1 comment:

  1. I love the swainsons hawk and ibis shots! I drove to separation lake in bc to see the recent white-faced ibis there but could not get any beautiful shots like this.

    well done frank lake is a wonderful spot!
